How to Start Strength Training
Been currriouuuss about strength training and lifting heavy, but not sure where to start? Wanna start lifting heavy, but scared you might hurt yourself? This episode is for you :) Join me as I outline a simple game plan to help you get started in the wonderful world of lifting heavy weights ❤️🔥

Every Body Has Strengths & Weaknesses
Every human body has its strengths and its weaknesses! Lifting isn’t about being perfect and having absolutely perfect form on every rep ever. We aren’t robots. It’s about getting familiar with our weaknesses and training them to be stronger. Getting familiar with our strengths and leveraging them to our advantage.
It can be tempting to get self-conscious about form in the gym, but honey listen… everyone’s form breaks down as some point. Everyone has weak links in the system. Just find out what your unique weak links are so you can train them to get stronger 🔥


Do This When You Feel Like Sh*t During a Workout
Listen. I’m a firm believer that not every gym session will start great but literally every single one can become great. Calm down, I know I sound like a motivational speaker right now just hear me out. Literally every workout can become magical. Truly

Got Anxiety? Go Lift :)
Anxiety spirals, gym land, and becoming a less spiral-y human through lifting. Yes, this is a thing and it’s magical. As I’ve said before and I’ll say again - the gym is the dojo where we can go to practice all manner of things. Not getting sucked into a negative spiral is yet another magical thing we can train at the gym :) Enjoy

Training While You’re On Your Period
Take it or leave it, but I LOVE lifting heavyyyy during that time of the month. Just sayin. Despite what you may have heard, you can still train HARD on your period and you might just surprise yourself with how heavy you can lift 👀

Mobility Training Sucks. Do It Anyway.
Yes, I know mobility training isn’t as sexy as a heavy deadlift set. It doesn’t give you a pump. And it makes you feel like sh!t because you realize your hips are tighter than a nun’s you-know-what.
But you know what? Do it anyway. Your 80 year-old self will thank you.

The Difference Between Strength & Hypertrophy Training
Sharing my favorite metaphor to explain the difference between strength training & hypertrophy training and how they impact our muscular development. Not sure what the hell I’m talking about? Listen to this episode and then you will!

Reasons to go to The Gym That Aren't Body-Related
This episode shares THE most sustainable source of motivation to go to the gym and KEEP going week after week, year after year. And it’s got nothing to do with our bodies.
If you’ve been struggling to stay motivated then for the love of all things holy - LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE.

The Gym You're Obsessed With & Don't Know It Yet
The gym you’re literally obsessed with… and probably haven’t even set foot in yet ❤️🔥
That’s all I’m gonna say. Just listen to the episode bc you NEED to know these things. Trust me. K love you bye 💜

Building a Body That Feels like Home
This episode is about knowing we have agency in our bodies bc hell yes agency. You wanna build a phat peach? You go get after it, friend.

Trying New Things & Looking Dumb in the Gym
This episode is about trying new things & being worried about looking dumb in the gym. Give it a listen 😁

Failure in the Gym is Good
Failure in the gym is your new bestie 🔥 Also we back! With a new format and a very gym-focused vibe ❤️🔥

Q+A: Mobility Training, Gym Routines + Cardio vs. Lifting
Q+A episode that deep dives into end range loading for mobility, training variety and its role in training longevity, the importance of strength training for literally everyone and some spicy surprise questions at the end ;)

Ways of Being ft. Andrea Menard
“when we turn our next goal or our next desire to something meaningful, something truly life-altering from the inside, heart opening… when we do that then the circle [of life] emerges and we realize that it’s been there all along.” - Andrea Menard

Cyclical Living But Make it Realistic ft. Lisa Jara
We’re back! From a mini vacay! With menstrual expert and advocate for holistic cyclical living, Lisa Jara. Join us for a nourishing conversation about the cycles of our lives, what we can learn from menstrual cycles about navigating change and much more.

Strong Women + Modern Day Femininity ft. Hayley Shapley
Ever wondered how we, as a society, got to our modern day idea of what it means to be "feminine?" Hayley Shapley is here to break it down for us. As an award-winning journalist and author, Hayley guides us through a brief history of strong women and how we've found ourselves with our modern ideas about "femininity" and muscularity in women. Tune in to get taken to school with me 👽

The Connection Between Our Bodies + Our Creativity ft. Lauren LoGrasso
Today’s episode is such an incredible honor to put out into the world - fam, meet Lauren LoGrasso 💜 Lauren is a highly accomplished and award-winning podcaster, singer/songwriter and public speaker. And today, she’s here to share BEAUTIFUL thoughts about the connection between our bodies and our creative lives.

What to Expect When You Start Lifting + Unconditionally Loving the Body
Want to get started lifting but maybe you got some gym anxiety? Super normal, totally okay, and here’s an episode to help you navigate the first month in the gym 💜