Social media stuff that no one talks about ft. Ally Canales

You get to listen in on the first Cacao Conversation Ally Canales + I had and we got super real with the incredible women who joined us live about cultivating an authentic online presence.

This convo is way deeper than just "be yourself" - we talk about...

- the fears that come with a small following or low engagement

- how to keep going even when you're getting crickets

- what it's like to not feel safe expressing yourself online and what to do about it

- really getting real with yourself about vanity metrics and why we care about them

- going beyond metrics and deeply giving a shit about your followers

- how to cultivate REAL ASS CONNECTION with your people

- rewriting a cultural degraded trust in social media as an opportunity to connect more deeply with your homies

- abandoning the story that you could ever be "too much"

If you got some wisdom nuggets from this episode - share it on your IG stories + tag me @caroline.addington_

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