Tuning the Human Biofield ft. Dr. Betty Hernandez-Tupta

What tf is the human biofield and what does it mean to tune the human biofield? Great questions! Today's guest, Dr. Betty Hernandez-Tupta explains all 🪐 Tune in for a mystical, magical conversation that'll upgrade your unique biofield. 😘


Dr. Betty Hernandez-Tupta is a mind-body Chiropractor. She addresses a person's pain whether it originates from a physical or emotional place. This is her super power, she is a pain body detective. She’s learned to integrate crystals and sound healing into her Chiropractic sessions and have discovered that the combination has amplified her patient's treatment outcomes. She believes so strongly in the energy body's capacity to heal the physical body that she founded a whole other business, The Auric Fields, dedicated to crystals, sound healing and rituals.

To connect with Betty’s Chiropractic Business, Back Benders, check out these links:
Instagram: @back.benders
Website: backbenders.com

To connect with The Auric Fields:
Instagram: @theauricfields
Website: theauricfields.com


some of my personal favorite lines of conversation that came up throughout this episode:

  • geeking out deeper on the structure of our human biofield

  • what is the earth star + the sun star?

  • how our energy fields interact with each other and with the world

  • a step-by-step walkthrough of how a biofield gets tuned

I’d love to hear about your personal favorite moments from this episode! Let me know at hello@carolineaddington.com


0:00 - 10:00 ish:

  • About Dr. Hernandez-Tupta + her work as a pain body detective

  • holding compassionate space for our pain

  • pain is not a lifestyle, it’s a phase

10 - 20:00 ish:

  • epigenetic testing - what it is and who it helps

  • what epigenetic testing can tell you about your nutritional, movement, and hydration needs 🤯

  • what is the human biofield and what is its structure?

  • how biofield tuning works

20 - 30:00 ish:

  • how the body ‘hears’ stuck emotions in its energy field 🤯

  • geeking out deeper on the structure of our human biofield

  • the human as a battery + the parallel between our energy field and a cell membrane

  • how maternal information imprints in our energy field

  • where the records of our lives are stored in our biofield 🤯🤯

  • what different stuck emotions sound like in the human biofield 😍

  • a step-by-step walkthrough of how a biofield gets tuned

30 - 40:00 ish:

  • working on our own energy field as a way to heal our ancestral lineage

  • hair brained, out there [completely unproven!] ideas about how our guts might relate to our energy field

  • what is the earth star + the sun star?

  • how do these stars change when we’re carrying emotional baggage?

40 - 50:00 ish:

  • how our energy fields interact with each other and with the world

  • the integration process after biofield tuning work

  • using baby steps to create big change 💜

  • embracing sovereignty in our health decisions

50 - 60:00 ish:

  • the magic + miracle of remote energy work

  • did you know energy work can be scheduled to release into your field at a certain time of day!?

  • energy work for the skeptical mind

  • beauty as a heart opener and a safe space facilitator 💜


Tuning the Human Biofield by Eileen Day McKusick

The brilliant work of Ashley Stinston

The Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck

More info about epigenetic testing for those curious


Navigating the Dream World ft. Sabrina Rose Nelson


The Art + Science of Slow Seasons