Unhinged Humaning + Releasing Consumerism
Woah boy. Y'all requested it and here it is. A slightly unhinged episode 😅
In this episode...
a very human first 10 minutes as I process the world today [in the thick of the Russian-Ukraine moment]
a lot of swearing and irreverent humor to help digest what it is to be human in this moment
and then a deep dive into consumerism, what it is, how it gets perpetuated, all the things
why the news cycle is just as much a part of the consumerism cycle as anything else
what I actually mean when I say "releasing consumerism"
how consumerism shapes our decision making process
the roles of internet marketing and social media in accelerating our cultural consumption habits
how consumerism shapes our self concept
the value of releasing consumerism, but not releasing consumption which a beautiful and wonderful part of the human experience
We dive into some big topics here! Hope it's not too off the walls and that you enjoy 💜😂
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